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Mr. Ziad Saneh, the principal of the Technical College of Joumeh in Tikrit, wrote a report on Bazbina and was posted at  on April 10, 2013. Pictures were provided by Mr. Saad Moussa and by Ziad himself. Please open the link.

Hipline of Gabriela and Samar

Gabriella Nassar sent to me an email from Berkeley announcing the success of their establishment, Hipline. Gabriella and Samar started their dancing school on College Avenue, Berkeley, California a year and a half ago. The business developed fast to a great success. Mentioned below is Gabrielas email more >>>

Ceremony to Honor Mr. Issam Fares at the Orthodox Seat at Cheikh Taba, Akkar.

At an honoring ceremony on June 28th that took place at the Orthodox regional seat of �Akkar and Its Environs� in Cheikh Taba, Archbishop Basilious Mansour offered a great thanks to Mr. Issam Fares for his generous and continuous support to the people of Akkar and towards the development of the entire region... more >>>

Samar Adib Nassar performs at the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival

On June 22nd, 2009, The New York Times published an article on the dance festival that took place in San Francisco. It was Samar the middle daughter of Adib and Patricia Nassar who drew the attention of the spectators by her professional belly dancing. She flaunted a flamboyant red brassiere, a wide expanse of bare midriff and a red skirt starting low on the pelvis. She demonstrated virtuoso bumps, grinds and rapid but complexly rhythmical undulations and isolations of pelvis and ribcage.  more >>>

Alif Afif Khoury

Alif Afif Khoury is the first son to Afif Mikhael Khoury (Abou Alif) and to Meriana Mikhael Youssef Khoury from Safita, Syria. It happened that the Khoury family of Bazbina came originally from Safita. After 2 or 3 generations Afif returned to Safita on a visit and married a cousin, Meriana....... more >>>

Toufic El Achkar

Toufic El Achkar returned to Bazbina on 25th May 2009 to attend the burial ceremony of his mother, Adibeh Chahda, who passed away in Houston on 22nd May 2009. She lived for 85 years of continuous strive and hard work. She was known to everyone as Maalmeh Adibeh...... more >>>

Nabil Khebbazi

We have known each other (Nabil and I) in Bazbina ever since we were kids. He was always a staunch supporter and participator in all the activities in the village. Earned a law degree from the Lebanese University.... more >>>

Malek Abdel Razzak Chdid El-Mouraby

I have known Malek since we were kids. Both of us used to spend the summers in Bazbina and we used to enjoy it very much. I always loved the fine arts and I got along very well with those persons in Bazbina who had  .....more >>>

A poem from Adib Nassar remembering the good life he spent in Bazbina.

Two years back I received a poem composed by Adib Nassar remembering the good old days he spent in his village, Bazbina. Adib, now 57, is a chemical engineer and a part owner of ...... more >>>

Gentlemen agreement

Witnessing the various political divisions and the continuous differences among the people of the little village that has always  ...

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Mtanios Naassy - Harf Zaed

During my stay in Bazbina during the Easter holiday in April 2007, I met a lot of our friends and relatives who converge to the village to spend the spring holidays. ...

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Massoud and Shireen visit to Bazbina

In November 2005, Adib Nassar came over to visit Lebanon and Bazbina after a long stay in San Francisco. As Adib thinks of his village as a jewel on earth, likewise, he talks about .....

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Ben McMurry An American impression visiting Lebanon

In June of 2006 my friend and classmate Dr. Wa'el Hammad came from Atlanta, where he is practicing his medical profession, to visit Lebanon, his native land.... 

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Barbar Moussa (Known as William Joseph in the U.S.) - Among Our Early Immigrants. Thanks to Kayte Bell and her mother, Debra Joseph, to have put the pieces of the puzzle together

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Nayfeh Auguste Nassar � Bazbina August 2005  Poet and Artist.

Nayfeh, daughter to Dr. Auguste Youssef Nassar and Huda Khalil Nassim, is a promising poet and artist. She is still at the university in the school of art. Two samples of her paintings are displayed here as well as two poems written by her in Arabic. She also writes poems in French .... more >>>

خواطر بقلم ألآنسة روى حسن شديد

 بزبينا � نيسان 2005

فلنتكلم بواقعيه

بعيدًا عن المبالغة و التعابير العاطفيه:

تقولون أننا دخلنا من جديدٍ عصر الجاهليه

و متى خرجنا منه كي نعود اليه و الى الهمجيه؟! ............. more >>>

Doctors Hope to Aid 
Dominican Baby with Rare Defect

22nd January 2004

By Jane Sutton MIAMI (Reuters) - An international team of doctors hopes to operate in the Dominican Republic next month to remove an undeveloped second head from a baby girl born ........... more >>>

Immigrants recall homeland in old Syria at Arnold fete.

By Charles Shearer, Monday, August 22, 1984 ,

From Carol Farid Bitar Ofeish, Falls Church, VA 22042, 12th January 2000

Dear Manuel, I am sending you this picture and the article that appeared in the New Kensington Daily Dispatch on August 22, 1977.  In the picture from left to right they are James Kanaan age 87, Sarah Naamy 86, Tillie Kanaan 85, and Charles Joseph (my husband's grandfather) age 88. ........... more >>>

Under The Zinzlakhti Tree at Abou Alif Place  - By Hassan Bitar.

Hassan Bitar commenting on the above picture I sent to him. The picture was taken in front of Afif Khoury�s shop

at Bazbina. Under the Zenzlakht tree, in Winter of 1960, there were sitting left to right: Saad Slaiman (Bitar), Fayez Khoury, Yaacoub Khoury, Ayoub Feyyod  ........... more >>>

BAZBINA SOCIETY CLUB � 1918 New Kensington, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

This picture was taken in 1918, the year the club was founded. The names listed below, in the first column ...

Bazbina Society Baseball Team,b New Kensington, PA. 1951

Ray Bitar, Bill Moses, Tom Resek, Abdo Albert, Allen Haidze, Bernie Goldberg, Tom Solomon .......

Roots and the Family Tree - By Alejandro Hazim

Miami  6th May. 2000.

Hi Manuel, How are you and the family? I hope all are in the best of health. I'm not very good at writting but, I was compeled to drop you these few lines. This may sound just silly but, I felt you should be praised for the time and effort you are putting  into this project. I personally feel a great sense of pride saying: ........... more >>>


 Roula Karim Nassar mentioned in

They Make Me a Designer Again

By JOSH PATNER, February 16, 2003

IR!"  I don't respond. "Sir! Can I help you?" The big Jamaican bass voice booms in my ears. I don't have my faculty ID. Turning, I peer at the security guard through sunglasses, and he nods at the sign-in clipboard for visitors. As I write V-a-l-e-n-t-i-n-o, I ask myself, What would anyone who didn't need to be at the Parsons School of Design be doing here? I'd better get a life, I think........... more >>>








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