Toufic El

Adibe Chahda
Mother, teacher and kindhearted human being
“For what is to die, but to stand in the sun and melt into the
wind? And when the Earth has claimed our limbs, then we shall
truly dance.” Khalil Gibran.
Adibe Chahda. Daughter of Jirjis Chahda and Mariam Al-Ward. Cousin
of Yaacoub Chahda, Ishak, Victoria, Julia, Bashira, Basima and Haifa.
Niece of Ibrahim Al-Ward, Salim, Abboud, Barbara, Kattour, Habib and
Yaacoub. Grand daughter of Yaacoub Chahda and Hanneh Dib.
Mother of Toufic El-Achkar
Teacher and school Principal in Bazbina for Forty one (41) years.
Founder, member and president of the Bazbina Charitable
Founder, member and president of the Bazbina Women
Charitable Organization.
"You are Peter, the Rock, and upon this Rock I will build my Church."
These were the words of Jesus Christ to praise his most faithful
Today we bid farewell to a "Rock" of Bazbina, a foundation which has
left a lot of roots, branches and leaves so that her memory keeps on
living in Bazbina and in our hearts.
I stand before you today the representative of a family in grief, in a
town in mourning. My mother, Adibe Chahda, was the very essence of
compassion, duty and love. She was the epitome of selfless humanity.
Being her only son, I was often spoiled by her generosity.
Ironically, being spoiled by her love, made me a more grateful and
humble human being in every facet of my life. She taught me that
it was better to give than to receive.
She always appreciated the little things in life. She loved tending
to her garden. She loved sitting outside during the summer on the
porch visiting with friends and enjoying her flowers and the scenery.
Mom loved the things that many of us take for granted. But most
importantly, she loved me. As a child, she made me feel like her
little prince. She was kind and thoughtful. She made me feel
very special. Whenever I felt down, she lifted up my spirit by holding
me in her arms, lightly stroking my hair. I felt safe in her arms.
I never wanted her to let go. Her unconditional love and
generosity were unmatched. She extended her generosity to everyone
around her. She made everybody feel comfortable and special.
My mother was respected, admired, and loved for the wonderful woman she
was, for the excellent educator she was, and for the compassionate woman
she was. She had an uncanny ability to deal with children and to gain
their respect and the respect of their families. Some of her students
became lawyers, teachers, engineers, doctors, ambassadors etc. We could
hardly go anywhere without meeting someone she knew, someone she had
touched in some way.
The entire Bazbina community came out to pay her tribute. It brings
tears to my eyes knowing all the lives she has touched. I will
always be grateful for my mom’s love, friendship, and guidance.
Thanks for everything mom. Your son will love you forever.