Toufic Ashkar, Houston
Daniel Hazim, Atlanta,
28th April 1999.

Dear Daniel,
While visiting you in
Atlanta, Moussa Moussa (son of Anwar Moussa) was walking around
admiring your liquor store. Suddenly, he saw something that he thought
he must warn you about in order for you not to loose customers. So he
called you aside all concerned and whispering in your ear so that no
customer can hear what he is about to tell you. He then said �Daniel,
be careful you have many bottles that have worms in them and that is not
good for your store�s reputation.� He said that he felt so dumb when
you laughed and told him that these bottle are Tequila bottles and are
more valuable because of the worms inside.
Moussa still gets a
good laugh out of this incident. I sure did.