Subject: Fw: Saludos
desde Sto.Domingo
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999
07:56:06 -0500
From: "santana.khoury"
<[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Querido Manuel:
Por que parte del
mundo andas en estos monentos?
Solo unas lineas
para saludarte y saber de tí.
Un abrazo de
Alberto Santana y Lily Khoury de Santana. (Daughter of Nabih Khoury,
Santo Domingo)

Subject: Akkar
Date: Wed, 24 Mar
1999 18:24:55 +0100
From: "Rachid Saghiah"
<[email protected]>
To: "Manuel Hazim" <[email protected]>
Manuel, this page
shows the geographical position of Bazbina/Bayno in Akkar
(Rashid Saghiah � Paris )

Subject: Re: Bazbina
Newsletter No. 001 Date: 22 March 1999.
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999
15:52:55 -0500
From: "Mary Frances
[email protected]
To: "Manuel Hazim" <[email protected]>
Dear Manuel :
Thank you for your
letter. I read it to my mother and gave copy to Gachi. We were very
pleased to hear about you nalthough sorry for the decesed in the
family. We sure hope that rain reaches the needed limits. All over the
world there is so much suffering, most of them created by humans, like
Your e-mail will allow
me to communicate with John Salim who I don�t see since a long time.
Thank You for doing such a nice job pulling family and friends together,
I admire what you are doing.
MY mother Salve Antún
Hazim found a photograph of you when you were little in Lebanon, I don�t
remember who else was on the picture.
Well have a nice week,
and take care.
Mary Frances Attias
Antún, Santo Domingo, Rep Dominicana

Subject: RE: Bazbina
Newsletter No. 001 Date: 22 March 1999.
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999
18:37:27 -0800
From: "El-Bietar,
Hassan" <[email protected]>
To: "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>
Your letter came at a
very appropriate time. I am currently working in Ciudad Del Carmen,
State of Campeche, Mexico. I have been working on this project since Nov
1997. The project is to refurbish an existing off shoreoil field. It is
a huge project with an accelarated schedule (total value $5 billions).
It is to add 34 new platforms and to refurbish 33 existing platforms
with all new facilities and under water pipe lines. I was working
initially in San Francisco and used to travel to Mexico city and
Villahermosa in Tabasco State, and Houston Texas. While in Texas, I was
to see Adibi Shehdah
and her son Tawfik. I also was able to see my nephew Roger and to talk
on the phone with Georgette Moussa and her son. I met few youg men from
Bazbina, unfortunately I don't remember now their names. They are all
related to Ward and Sehdah.
Back to Cd Del carmen,
I came here in October 98 and been ever since working on 2 pipelines
projects. My wife, Marina came and spent some time with me in february
and March. This month, my daughter Suria and her husband Dr Ken Mekler
(a Pathologist) will come and visit me for 2 weeks. I am looking forward
to see them and enjoy their company, the last time I saw them was last
June at the graduation of my son Javier. Javier now is working in
Seattle, Washington. He is there with his sister Laila who is studying
at the University of Washington. Also in Washington, my daughter Suria
and her Husband live, since Ken is finishing up his 5 years residency in
the same University. The only child left In San Francisco is my daughter
Jasmina who currently works as an office manager in A. T. Kearney, an
international management consulting company.
So while you are in
the mood to travel, I would like to extend my invitation to you and
whoever would like to come and visite me in Mexico. I promise to make it
easy for any one who comes and take them to visit the rich historic
sites in Campeche and
Tabasco states. I particularly extend the invitation to my dearest
friends Issam and Mimi Tabshouri. And while you are in Cd Del Carmen,
you can ride the bus to the resort city of Cancun which is at 6 hours
ride from here.
Again thank you for
the 1st Newsletter and the original idea to put it togother and make it
happened. Please include in the next letter some news about your and
other families. It is so refreshing and nostalgic what you have created.
I hope you will continue keeping it up.
Best regards to you,
your family, and all the people included and will be included in the
Bazbina Newsletter.
Hassan I. El-Bietar,
Principal Project Controls Engineer
Cd. del Carmen,
52 (938) 2-39-08 x143
52 (938) 2-39-08 x141

Subject: RE: Your
Article: Lebanon The Pearl of the East.
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999
12:41:37 -0400
From: Mayda Antun <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Thank you for sharing
such a beautiful article with us. It only makes us want to visit all
the more.
Hope all is well with
you and your family. We hope to see you soon.
Warmest regards,
Mayda.. (Dr. Mayda
Raphael Antun, Miami, Florida.)

Subject: Your visit to
Sto Dgo.
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999
16:15:53 -0400
From: "Eduardo Antun"
<[email protected]>
To: "<Manuel Hazim" <[email protected]>
Dear Manuel:
Sorry I could not
write you earlier, but I would like to express that it was a great
pleasure to meet you during your recent visit to Dom. Rep.
Since I was a little
kid the name of Manuel Hazim was heard constantly coming out from my
father's mouth, with respect and love. The evening that I meet you at my
parent's house, I was thinking that my father where ever he is was very
happy to see us as a family together.
I hope to see you and
rest of our family in Bazbina sometime this coming summer, I have dream
with this trip for long time.
(Eduardo Antun, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana)

Subject: Greetings...
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999
12:47:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Javier El-Bietar
<[email protected]>
To: Manuel Hazim <[email protected]>
Dear Manuel,
I can't tell you how
much it means to me that you have made such a concerted effort to
communicate within all the members of our close and wonderful community,
both within Lebanon and abroad. You see, as a recent college graduate,
I have been thrust into the American workforce and now realize with
sadness that my vacations to my father's beautiful and hospitable
homeland are going to be few and far between. I miss Bazbina with all
my heart. I miss my uncles, their wives, their children (my cousins),
their children's children, and all my friends.
It is so great to hear
all the goings-on of the families and their lives, where they are all
over the globe and the news in and out of myown family. My father and I
speak of your newsletter and how it brings us closer to home. We look
forward to your updates... Which reminds me, how is you daughter? I
spent a lot of time with her and the Koussa's last summer, spending time
talking, and all of us becoming good friends... My best to her and her
efforts in school, life, etc... My best to your family and to you,
News from our side of
the family... My father, Hassan, is working for Bechtel still in Mexico
on a large project on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. He is budgetting
a plan to build off-shore oil rigs. My mother is in the Bay Area
monitoring the family business, our delicatessin. Jasmina, my older
sister lives and works in the Bay Area... My oldest sister, Suria, is
here in Seattle (Washington state) working for the acclaimed Starbuck's
Coffee Company. Her husband, Dr. Kenneth Meckler, is beginning a
wonderful new practice as a pathologist this summer and they will be
purchasing a home soon. Laila, my youngest sister, and I, are living
together (and arguing everyday!) here in Seattle. She is attending the
University of Washington. I am working as a sales representative for a
company that manufacturers and supplies the U.S. with Scientific Optical
Equipment (microscopes mainly).
My sisters have become
somewhat dependant on me to bring news to them of our family in
Lebanon. Your newsletter makes it easier. Well, thanks to you and
helloes to everyone out there who shares the common affinity for Bazbina,
Beirut, Las Salinas, etc. Lebanon! I miss you all and hope to see
familiar faces sooner rather than later...
Javier Jafar Amin El-Bietar,
Seatle, Washington, U.S.A.
son of Hassan Ibrahim

Subject: HI / new baby
born to Hanna Chahda
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999
12:13:02 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
HI Keefack, ya astaz
just wanted to take a
minute to thank you for your E.mail.I was in Bazbina last week for one
day after a very short trip I took to Lebanon.It was Sunday and they
have a Church mass for am Elia, the wife of Hanna Elia.Any way my trip
was very very short i didn't get to see hardly anyone or anything. I'm
back in Austin Texas now, if you need anything just E.mail me.
About aam toufiqe,I
saw her and she is doing very well.And Chaouki moussa whom i work and
live nearby,is doing very well also.
P.S. I Would like to
inform you that my brother Hanna Chahda and his wife Eliane just had
their first baby,A healthy baby girl.They name her Michell Jane
Chahda.She Weigh 7 pound and was 20.5 inches tall
Thank you
Chaoui Chahda
(Austin, Texas)

Subject: thank you...
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999
12:05:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Javier El-Bietar
<[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Dear Manuel,
Thank you for the
wonderful words that you wrote about my father, Hassan, in your last
newsletter, dated May 7th. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to
gain the perspective of someone who used to know him when he was young.
I have heard of the stories of these summer classes that he held and the
tutoring. It is nice to hear that he has been involved in so many
different peoples' lives. The stories are pleasant to hear. If you
remember any other ones, please relay them to me.
Javier El-Bietar
Seattle, WA, U.S.A.

Subject: Marhaba
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999
15:06:16 -0700
From: "El-Bitar,
Roger" <[email protected]>
To: "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>
CC: "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>
Marhaba Ya Manuel,
Thx u for the Bazbina
news from around the world. Before i forget, please correct my name to
El-Bitar instead of Bitar, and i live in Austin, not houston. My number
is 512-386-8079.
Everyone here in
Austin is well and send u best regards. Filip, my cousin, called me up
today from Lebanon and said that everyone is doing well. So, Manuel, do
u all need help with building Bazbina's site? I will be more than happy
to help. I think this idea is a great one and will open the door for
people from our village to communicate and get to know one another.
Another good idea
would be to have someone in Bazbina with a computer and an internet
access logs down daily news and events so that we have an up to date
info. Also, it would be a great tool for our familes back home to send
e-mails to their sons, daughters, relatives, ...etc. As for the cost, we
can all share the burden in providing equipments and/or financial
means. And since the internet is becoming more versatile, we can even
mount a camera on a computer and talk to people directly in bazbina.
Another fancy idea
would be to have a server installed somewhere in Bazbina, running
24hours, 7 days a week with a dedicated phone line so that people can
log onto it directly form anywhere around the world , rather than buying
a web space to create the site. This, requires someone in bazbina with
experties in computers and servers. Also, it would be easier for some
one there to scan photos or even upload films directly from bazbina.
I am just brain
storming here, and i would love to do it if i was living there. I
thought that might help expands the idea a little more than just having
a web page in the future.
Best regards from
Roger El-Bitar
(Austin, Texas)

Subject: Re: Trip
Date: Thu, 6 May
1999 19:15:30 -0400
From: "Mary Frances
Attias" <[email protected]>
To: "Manuel
Hazim" <[email protected]>
Dear Manuel
Hello ! How are you ?
I have been reading your e-mails and they have helped me a lot to
unsderstand the middle east and its beauties and also its fights.
Today I am with my
mother, and I read to her your letter. She says that the one in the
picture is you, because she knows you very well and it is a big boy. It
was the year 1957. Daniel must have had tow years old and grampa
Antonio thaught him a spanish bad word : coño. It seemed the photograph
was older and it didn�t correspond to the same moment of their visit.
My mother was not in the picture. It seemed your father gave it to her
as a gift and Daniel was not born by that time. The picture showed
Abraham your father ), you, MIMI, Diana and the babysitter.
I do not have a
scanner but I will try to find a way to send it to you. It was a
beautiful gesture of your daughter to write to us. Your are a very good
father and theaching her good family values. Keep on the good work !
Mary Frances and Salwa
Antun St. Domingo.

Subject: Toufic-
Adibe Chahda's Son from Houston
Date: Wed, 05 May
1999 21:50:35 -0500
From: toof <[email protected]>
To: Manuel Hazim <[email protected]>
Dear Manuel,
I want to take this
opportunity to thank you for calling and checking on my mother. I was
not surprised that you did. I was told by many how kind you are.
However, to make an effort to find out our phone number and to take the
time to call my mother from Nigeria was abundantly generous and noble.
You certainly "made her day". When I got home from work, the first thing
she said to me, with a big smile on her face, was: You're never going to
guess who called me today. I guessed a few names and then gave up. She
said Manuel Hazim From Nigeria and followed, God rest his parents'
souls, "Assil Iben Asel = Of Nobel Origin". Then, she started telling me
stories about your father's practical jokes and about your mother and
how nice and the great lady that she was. In short, your call meant a
lot to her. And I am forever grateful.
Toufic (
Houston, Texas)

Subject: Bazbina.com
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999
16:41:56 -0700
From: "Ziad Nassar" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Hey Manuel,
how's it going? how
is life treating you? amazing how this message has traveled around the
world and has ended up in my email box. I have been thinking about
something like this for sometime. I have also been thinking about
building a computer access center in Bazbina with internet connection
for the residents of bazbina, for them to keep in touch with there
outside family. I'm waiting for two things: 1) when I make enough money
to donate to build the center and 2) when phone lines get better for
quicker Internet access.
I figure by the time
the phone lines get better, I should have the cash.In regards to
bazbina.com there are a lot of things you can do. For example: chat
room, message board, business network exchange, announcements, email
newsletter subscribe list, history, stories, email forwarding support
(i.e.. [email protected]), and a few other things. We have the
technology to do all of these. We can start small and grow. What are
your thoughts or goals on this? I would love to work with you on this
project. I can invision this project to develop the capacity to handle
video conferencing rooms. This won't be for sometime, of course, even
though the technology is here, but we need for bandwidth to get better.
you can email me at [email protected] Waiting for your reply
Best Regards,
Ziad Nassar
Power Solutions, Inc.
(San Fracisco, California)
developers of ActiveC