Uncle Khoury Ibrahim Nassar � By Hassan El-Bietar
February 2000

Dear Manuel,
This is a story about
my Uncle Khoury Ibrahim Nassar.
My mother, Lousiana,
came one Saturday noon to Uncle Ibrahim house. Some chicken kept coming
from his neighbor�s place, Hajj Adel Salam Al-Ali (he lived across from
my uncle�s house). Uncle Ibrahim told my mom to "kishi el-jajet ya
Louisiana" (get the chicken out). My mother tried and when they kept
running about she took a stone and threw it on them. Well! The stone hit
one of the chickens so bad that my uncle had to slaughter it. He told my
mom not to say anything to any body.
Next day after
returning from the church my uncle set the barbecue and called Hajj
Abdel Salam who had counted his chicken and found that one is missing.
He was looking for the chicken. Accepted the invitation, El-hajj was
wondering where could the chicken be. There is no fox "wewi" around and,
therefore, for sure someone must have stolen the chicken. My uncle
agreed and told him it is most likely that some one has stolen the
chicken. By this time the barbecued chicken was ready and my uncle
offered the first piece to El-hajj and insisted that he should start
Well, at this moment
my uncle was agreeing that some one must have stolen the chicken and
perhaps, eating it.
El-hajj started eating
while saying: "yekul fezzor ya jor yalli akalu" [O neighbour, may the
person who ate the chicken eat until he bloats to death]. My uncle will
reply: Amen and started laughing with his wife Paulina. El-hajj became
aware of the plot. He continued eating and laughing along.
This is a true story
that took place before uncle Ibrahim became a priest.